Wednesday, September 29, 2010

...this time around

Hello fellow countrymen, I've returned.
And I'm off facebook.
For a week.
I'd like to think that I've come back to this particular corner of the web because I THAT motivated of a writer, but I think if I'm really honest with myself, it's because I'm going into web-based communication withdraw. So maybe I do have only 3 followers, but that means that SOMEBODY out there is reading this. So that's my pathetic reason for coming back to "my consideration" after nearly 5 months.

Ok, I DO have a slightly less pathetic reason: Here I am, sophmore year of college (more on that shorty), and I've found myself with NO writing classes, and hardly any writing required for the classes I'm in. To me, writing well is a muscle that has to be continually worked on if you want to can't not write anything and still call yourself a writer. So, this is my attempt to get my literary groove back and escape from the world of true and false quizzes that my academic world consists of.

So, sophmore year, eh? It's true. After spending an awkward (and waaaay too hot and humid) summer at camp in southern Indiana, I came home 2 weeks early because of some bizarre upper-resp infection. Mom's home cooking of course made it better, and it was pretty fantastic to have an extra two weeks to get ready for Chicago and re-discover the joys of cooking after 5 weeks of processed meats (I am, for the record, a full-time vegetarian now) and "extra-heavy duty mayonnaise" (WHAT is the world is that??!). It's worth mentioning that two days before leaving for school, I got in an ER visit- worthy bike crash. Yep, no more details on that one...move along.

And on August 18th I road-tripped it with mi padres to the great city of Chicago for...FRESHMAN ORIENTATION!! Yeeeeaaah, I'm not a freshman, but I had to come anyways. Getting in the groove of a real "institution" took a few weeks, but I think I've found my place here...and what a wonderful, challenging, exciting place it is. I've joined the not-as-stuffy-as-it-sounds "Student Theological Society," and I'm the secretary. Yeah, I know I've had issues with being a secretary in the past ;) but it's a sweet team I'm on, and it's fun to be on the edge of what's going on around here and plan events and stuff. I'm next-door roomies with the infamous Kristen, and while we definitely have good times together, my ACTUAL roomate is sweet and fun...and alot cleaner than me. Oh great, now I feel guilty :/ Cafeteria food is, without a doubt, awful. There's alot of things I don't miss about Spokane, but I DO miss my brown rice, tofu, and other non-nauseating foods. And I miss being able to cook the food...not just eat it.

I know I left Spokane as a Print Media major. Surprise Surprise...I've changed...again. After an incident at camp that is too long to explain right now, I realized that my heart is with kids...and baking. So, I'm now an Urban Ministry major with a dream of opening a bakery in some big city and teaching inner city kids how to bake delicious pastries and other VERY IMPORTANT things like that. I'm at peace with it...which honestly isn't a very normal feeling for me. But when I think about it, I get happy inside, and I remember why I'm reading the incredibly boring Christianity and Western Culture textbook (I'm looking at you, Ferguson).

Well this is long...and I just brain fried. So I gots no more...sorry. Here's a picture from da city...taken from the roof of my 10-story dorm building. Oh Chicago, you make me happy.

PS- I think it's worth mentioning at this point that I'm having a highly intellectual love affair with Pascal. Yes, the old and quite dead French philosopher. But seriously...that guy is the best.

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